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Film of the Day: Man On the Moon


Linda Hamilton to return as Sara Connor in James Camerons new Terminator

Linda Hamilton to return as Sara Connor in James Camerons new Terminator

Robert Hyde

The Terminator
James Cameron is going back to the Terminator series to restart it, and with the latest news it looks like it will be a true sequel to Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

He already had Arnold Schwarzenegger on board and not The Hollywood Reporter is reporting he has Linda Hamilton back.

The character was killed off in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines which Cameron had nothing to do with, so to include the character and the original actress means the new trilogy will ignore all the films past part 2.

Terminator Genisys had the character but due to some time shift storyline it was a younger version and was played by Emilia Clarke.

The series is shaping up nicely, and it will be interesting to see how the story comes together if it is based 30 years after the events of Terminator part 2.

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