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The first trailer for The Matrix Resurrections hits and its intriguing with poses so many questions

The first trailer for The Matrix Resurrections hits and its intriguing with poses so many questions

Robert Hyde

The Matrix Resurrections
The first trailer for the fourth The Matrix movie has hot the internet from warner brothers, and as you might have expected the trailer poses more questions about The Matrix Resurrections that it answers!

The trailer features Keanu Reeves very heavily, and as you expected he looks just like John Wick rather than Neo, but is there a reason for this, what reality is he living in and is he a washed out version of his former self?

It looks like he's been having trouble recently living in The Matrix, and when an apparent chance meeting with Carrie-Anne Moss's Trinity it looks like they don't know each other!

The red pill and the blue pill are a major feature of this trailer and it looks like Mr Thomas Anderson has been taking the blue pill of late?

Directed by Lana Wachowski goes it alone this time but it looks like the slick style of the original The Matrix back.

The movie is released December 22nd 2021 in cinemas and on HBO Max, we'd recommend this one at the cinema.

The Matrix Resurrections

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